VERA verification statements

A VERA Verification Statement secures documentation for the environmental efficiency and operational stability of a technology and is an important step when introducing a technology to the market.


All currently granted VERA Verification Statements are listed below:

Verification Statement Proflex Beton Meadow Floor

Manufacturer Proflex Betonproducten
Product Meadow Floor (Slatted floor)
Short description Reduction of ammonia emission reduction from the Meadow Floor used in cattle floors
Test protocol VERA Test protocol for Livestock Housing and Management Systems
Publication date 11.05.2021
Statement number 008
Available languages English


VERA Verification Statement for manure acidification JH Forsuring NH4+ (pdf, 571 kB)

Manufacturer JH Agro A/S
Product JH Forsuring NH4+
Short description Reduction of ammonia from pig finishing units
Test protocol VERA Test protocol for Livestock Housing and Management Systems
Publication date 08.09.2016
Statement number 006
Available languages English, German
Manufacturer Skov A/S
Product Farm AirClean BIO Flex 3-stage
Short description Reduction of ammonia, odour and dust emissions from pig finishing units
Test protocol VERA Test protocol for air cleaning Technologies
Publication date 17.12.2013
Statement number 005
Available languages English
Manufacturer Skov A/S
Product Farm AirClean BIO Flex 2-stage
Short description Reduction of ammonia, odour and dust emissions from pig finishing units
Test protocol VERA Test protocol for air cleaning technologies
Publication date 17.12.2013
Statement number 004
Available languages English
Manufacturer Kopenhagen Fur
Product Management system for removal of slurry every day
Short description Reduction of ammonia emissions in mink houses
Test protocol VERA Test protocol for Livestock Housing and Management Systems
Publication date 12.04.2013
Statement number 002b
Available languages English
Manufacturer Kopenhagen Fur
Product Management system for removal of slurry twice a week
Short description Reduction of ammonia emissions in mink houses
Test protocol VERA Test protocol for Livestock Housing and Management Systems
Publication date 12.04.2013
Statement number 002a
Available languages English
Manufacturer BioCover A/S
Product SyreN
Short description Reduction of ammonia emission by acidification of manure during application
Test protocol VERA Test protocol for land applied manure
Publication date 02.10.2012
Statement number 001
Available languages English